, week, year, day, etc. That is easy enough to add. Delaying Execution. Truncation means setting specific parts of. The DATE_TRUNC () function in Postgres truncate a date or time value to a specific precision. Finally… The date_bin function is adaptable and offers many new features on top of what PostgreSQL already has to offer. Current Date/Time. Truncate to specified precision; see Section 9. Test case: SELECT (CAST (MAX (joindate) AS date) - CAST (MIN (joindate) AS date)) as DateDifference FROM generate_series ('2014-01-01'::timestamp, '2014-02-01'::timestamp, interval '1 hour') g. The output snippet shows that the DATE_PART() function pulls out the year from the given date. Since this is a performance-critical part of the query, I'm wondering whether this is the fastest solution, or whether there's some shortcut (compatible with Postgres 8. How to use the date_trunc function for biweekly grouping. l_date is the column where I would pull the date from. I want this to be just 2013-02-04. select * from table where extract (hour from column1) in (8, 9) where cast (column1 as time) >= '8:00' and column1::time < '10:00'. PostgreSQL cung cấp một số hàm trả về giá trị liên quan đến ngày giờ hiện tại. This chapter describes most of. 876944') * 1000; would give. I ended up with a select query displaying dates of a week, select ( (date_trunc ('week',current_date)::date) + (i+6)) as week_date from generate_Series (0,6) i; Is there a way to get the result as Monday, Tuesday and so on. The date_trunc function truncates a TIMESTAMP or an INTERVAL value based on a specified date part e. date_trunc¶. Table 9. In this case, it is used to truncate the result of the subtraction operation to seconds. Here you can find its API Docs. You can then convert it to whatever you want (decimal would be a good choice). PostgreSQL releases before 8. If I use it like ths: select trunc(now(),'MM'). 5 introduced a feature called block range indexes (aka BRIN ) that is incredibly helpful in efficiently searching over large time series data and has the benefit of taking up significantly less space on disk than a standard B-tree index. Table 8. 7. SELECT date_trunc ('month', cast (my_date as timestamp)) FROM my_table. 1 Answer. For formatting functions, refer to Section 9. Related: PostgreSQL: between with datetime2,521 20 21. 0. You need to remove the time from time component. Current Date/Time 9. For formatting functions, refer to Section 9. --set the first day of the. For the date_part and date_trunc functions, arguments can be `year', `month', `day', `hour', `minute', and `second', as well as the more specialized quantities `decade', `century', `millenium', `millisecond', and. MySQL- Truncating Date-Time in a query. Follow answered Feb 26, 2018 at 23:30. ). Fully managed, PostgreSQL-compatible database for enterprise workloads. Improve this answer. I use this in a group by query to get a count for a certain amount of dates. 3 . 1. What you should do: Order by year and month. – zhrist. Unless otherwise noted, operators shown as accepting. 2. What is the JPQL/JPA/Hibernate equivalent of the database function date_trunc('day', (entity. ). You can use this for PostgreSQL. create index on test (date_trunc('month', foo::timestamp )); the problem with foo at time zone 'GMT' is that the expression foo at time zone 'GMT' is not itself immutable. The function date_trunc is conceptually similar to the trunc function for numbers. 0 did not follow the conventional numbering of centuries, but just returned the year field divided by 100. I think, what you want to do is: SELECT date (updated_at), count (updated_at) as total_count FROM "persons" WHERE ("persons". and while the condition is > '2018-10-01' then all dates in the month October will not be shown in the result. However, DATE_TRUNC with the ISOYEAR date part truncates the date_expression to the beginning of the ISO year, not the Gregorian calendar year. Start week number from given date. date; The results:SELECT date_trunc('month', now()); Result: 2022-04-01 00:00:00+10. Learn how to round or truncate timestamps in PostgreSQL for effective time-based grouping using the date_trunc function. orm: dql: datetime_functions: date_trunc: YOUR_BUNDLE_HEREDoctrineExtensionsDateTrunc. We use the DATE_TRUNC() method to truncate the TIMESTAMP or an INTERVAL value and return the truncated timestamp or interval with a level of precision with the below syntax:. I want something in between like 100 milliseconds (1/10 second). Here’s the current timestamp. timestamp)) from rollup_days as rp; To convert the timestamp back to a bigint, use extract ()Select date_trunc('week',dateTime) Date_week, Max(Ranking) Runing_Total_ID from (select datetime, id , dense_rank over (order by datetime) as Ranking from Table1) group by 1 This query is working for me to give me the running total of total IDs by week. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 7 months ago. PostgreSQL provides a number of functions that return values related to the current date and time. dateoftransfer::date)::Date from table_withdates; --returns 2005-10-01. Its Java equivalent is: Instant. 例1:now()=2023-04-18 00:00:00. Its Java equivalent is:1. What is the date_trunc Function? The date_trunc function is one of the best features available in the PostgreSQL database to deal with dates. The basic syntax of the DATE_TRUNC function is as shown below:. Either truncate the timestamp by minutes using date_trunc, which will return a timestamp without seconds, or use to_char if it is only about formatting the output: SELECT date_trunc ('minute',VISIT_DATE) FROM t; SELECT to_char (VISIT_DATE,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi') FROM t; Demo:trunc() will set that to 00:00:00. MessageText: function date_trunc(unknown, timestamp with time zone, unknown) does not exist Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. 9. A primer on working with time in Postgres. RTRIM (‘abcxxzx’, ‘xyz’) ‘abc’. 8. 000000' AND '2012-11-07 12:25:04. Table 9. with ats (old_tz) as (select now() ) select old_tz, '2015-12-31'::timestamptz + (old_tz - date_trunc('day', old_tz)) new_tz from ats; OOPS. 10. 2: date_trunc('hour', timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40') 2001-02-16 20:00:00:. E. The subquery is not strictly needed, but it makes the code easier to read. Share. 0. We had discussed about the Date/Time data types in the chapter Data Types. PostgreSQL provides a number of functions that return values related to the current date and time. Use the date_trunc method to truncate off the day (or whatever else you want, e. When storing a date value, PostgreSQL uses the yyyy-mm-dd format e. date_trunc() is not marked immutable because some input parameters can make it dependent on the environment so that it might return different results in different situations - which is not allowed for immutable functions. date_trunc can be really helpful if you want to roll up time fields and count by day or month. 1. ; delimiter_text (required): Text representing the delimiter to split by. g. 31 shows the available functions for date/time value processing, with details appearing in the following subsections. ) in a Spring Boot application with Hibernate running on top of a Postgresql database. CREATE TABLE measurement_1301 ( CHECK ( date_trunc( 'week', logdate )::date = DATE '2013-01-07') ) INHERITS (measurement); CREATE TABLE measurement_1302 (. sslaws mentioned this issue on May 2, 2022. Follow. Let’s see the following example. 4. 3. Example of grouping sales from orders by month: select SUM(amount) as sales, date_trunc('month', created_at) as date from orders group by date order by date DESC; We have used the date_trunc function with the where clause to compare the date in PostgreSQL as follows. 7. 2. 3. SELECT * FROM stud_cmp WHERE DATE_TRUNC ('day', start_date) = '2020-01-01' ::. Postgresql date to string format. date_trunc関数. You should be familiar with the background information on date/time data types from. end_date) >= DATE_TRUNC ('day', q. postgres sql, date_trunc without extra zeroes. The date_trunc () function is used to truncate to specified precision. Test case: SELECT (CAST (MAX (joindate) AS date) - CAST (MIN (joindate) AS date)) as DateDifference FROM generate_series ('2014-01-01'::timestamp, '2014-02-01'::timestamp, interval '1 hour') g. Sorted by: 3. Author: John Naylor <john. -- date_trunc(日付の切り捨て)の構文 date_trunc( 精度 , 日付・時刻 ); 精度には'year'、'month'、'day'等を指定します。. g. This function can be used to round the timestamps to the required interval, say year, day, hours or seconds. So I have dates in a column for everyday with corresponding sales and I want to accumulate the sales for a week over a single date (say Friday). This is an excerpt from my sql query. PostgreSQL 9. g. Integer division truncates. 3. Postgres has date_trunc which operates on timestamp or interval, and: Values of type date and time are cast automatically to timestamp or interval, respectively. js has an in-built function): The Postgres queries would be: first day of current month: SELECT date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE); last day of current month (= first day of next month minus 1 day) SELECT date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) + interval '1 month - 1 day'Well, there are many ways to handle this, but the efficient way is to use date_trunc, as mentioned in the privous answer. , year, month, week from a date or time value. 2: date_trunc('hour', timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40'). - Return Type: TIMESTAMP. The DATE_PART() function extracts a subfield from a date or time value. They are both the same. testdb=# SELECT date_trunc('hour', TIMESTAMP '2001-02-16 20:38:40'); date_trunc ----- 2001-02-16 20:00:00 (1 row) testdb=# SELECT date_trunc('year', TIMESTAMP '2001-02-16 20:38:40'); date_trunc. PostgreSQL offers various built-in functions to group data by time, such as the DATE_TRUNC(), EXTRACT(), and DATE_PART() functions. Note that this will return an actual timestamp; from the wording of the question, the actual column has a string, so you will need to cast it to compare: WHERE CAST ("time" as timestamp) < date_trunc ('day', now () - interval '1 month') – IMSoP. Postgres can round (truncate) timestamps using the date_trunc function, like this: date_trunc('hour', val) date_trunc('minute', val) I'm looking for a way to truncate a timestamp to the nearest 5-minute boundary so, for example, 14:26:57 becomes 14:25:00. 9. Date_Trunc varies parts of the date/time: century, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond,. create index concurrently index_requests_on_request_time_in_chicago on requests (timezone('america/chicago', request_time)) After creating the index and re-running with. 3 . PostgreSQL releases before 8. . date_trunc always returns a timestamp, not a date. Isolating hour-of-day and day-of-week with EXTRACT function. For example. Below query is working to get weekly summary. 1) precision The precision argument specifies fractional seconds precision of the second. SELECT * FROM table WHERE DATE_TRUNC('day', date ) >= Start Date AND DATE_TRUNC('day', date ) <= End Date Now this solution took : 1. These SQL-standard functions all return values based on the start. The second is more concise, but Postgres-specific. This is a timestamp with time zone value which refers in fact to. To have one row per minute, even when there's no data, you'll want to use generate _ series. Is that what you want?The date_trunc(text, timestamptz) variant seems a bit under-documented, so here are my findings:. How to DATE_TRUNC by 10 days. The subtraction of timestamps yields an interval. 29 illustrates the behaviors of the basic arithmetic operators ( +, *, etc. day. 3. confusingly at time. field selects to which precision to truncate the time stamp value. Sorted by: 3. This is a timestamp with time zone value which refers in fact to 23:59:59 on sunday, but with 2 hours of difference with UTC time, depends on your locale and settings. datatype: It is the data type and can take value for strings like. 6. 2. Trimming trailing :00 from output after date_trunc. I see that date_trunc function returns timestamp and intervals cannot be cast to date type: select current_date -. date_trunc関数の第一引数には任意の値を文字列として指定する。. But the week starts on Monday in Postgres by default. source is a value expression of type timestamp or interval. PostgreSQL has a rich set of native data types available to users. To get a rounded result, add 30 seconds to the timestamp first, for example: select date_trunc('minute', now() + interval '30 second') This returns the nearest minute. Say, you can truncate it to the nearest minute, hour, day, month, etc. 9. Sorted by: 89. Here is what is going on. Here is a function that mimics postgres' DATE_TRUNC contract using the DATE_FORMAT mysql function that @Charles has recommended above. SELECT date_trunc('MONTH', CURRENT_DATE) + INTERVAL '1 MONTH - 1 DAY'; Tip 2. , are used in Postgres to store and manipulate the dates. We had discussed about the Date/Time data types in the chapter Data Types. Improve this answer. 1 min read. "type. date_trunc(text, timestamp) timestamp: Truncate to specified precision; see also Section 9. The TRUNC() function accepts two arguments. 0. date_trunc ('hour', created) + extract (minute from created)::int / 15 * interval '15' minute. Hot Network Questions Shuffling two lists into each other Modeling a pure dipole as a function similar to a Dirac delta function Depressing story where SETI received signals from deep space but this news was suppressed Why is an internal proof of consistency. My SQL is: SELECT date_trunc('week', '2020-06-01'::timestamp)::date ||'-'|| (date_trunc('week', '2020-06-01'::timestamp)+ '6 days'::interval)::date; However, using. 0 did not follow the conventional numbering of millennia, but just returned the year field divided by 1000. Table 9. Mathematical operators are provided for many PostgreSQL types. In your example, you could use: SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE date_trunc('day', dt) = 'YYYY-MM-DD'; If you are running this query regularly, it is possible to create an index using the date_trunc function as well: The precision values are a subset of the field identifiers that can be used with the EXTRACT() and DATE_PART() functions. callsign FROM tvh_aircraft. user330315. The full docs in section 9. If you want to take the current date as the first argument, you can use the following form of the AGE() function: AGE(timestamp); Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) For example, if someone has a birth date2000-01-01 and the current date is 2017-03-20, his/her age will be:We are using date_trunc, group by, and aggregate functions to retrieve table data as per day basis in PostgreSQL, we are using date_trunc function on the column from which we are retrieving data as per day basis. Specifying the time zone in date_trunc is not supported in Postgresql 11. We’ll use it for different. DATE_TRUNC() will return an interval or timestamp rather than a number. Update. date) AND DATE_TRUNC ('day', c. So fellow SQL aficionado's how to take the following WHERE clause in PostgreSQL and convert it to SQLite3 without using a compiled extension: WHERE DATE_TRUNC ('day', c. 2. PostgreSQL provides a number of functions that return values related to the current date and time. Multiplying back effectively rounds down, achieving the same as. date_trunc('month', current_timestamp) gives you the start of "this month" so in March this would be 2021-03-1 as the comparison for the upper limit is done using < it will include everything on the last day of February. com> Reviewed-by: Tom Lane. PostgreSQL specify that. Finally, it returns the truncated part with a specific precision level. 4 shows the mathematical operators that are available for the standard numeric types. Truncate datetime column in MySQL query. –The following example illustrates how to use the CURRENT_TIME function with the precision set to 2: The CURRENT_TIME function can be used as the default value of TIME columns. 9. The query will return a result with a single column labeled “uptime” that represents the duration of the PostgreSQL database server’s uptime. date_trunc can basically only round to full hours, full days, and so forth. The following illustrates the syntax of the PostgreSQL TRUNC() function:. I am trying to get only date without time in postgres from the following statement: select current_date - date_trunc ('day',interval '1 month'); But returns me that: 2023-02-07 00:00:00. 7) PostgreSQL Now (): Display without milliseconds. The documentation shows following usage example: SELECT date_trunc('hour', TIMESTAMP '2001-02-16 20:38:40'); Result: 2001-02-16 20:00:00 So I thougt this should work:date_trunc date_trunc 関数は概念的に数値に対する trunc 関数と類似しています。 date_trunc('field', source) source はデータ型 timestamp の評価式です(データ型 date と time は自動的にキャストされます)。field は timestamp の値をどの精度で切捨てるかを選択します。返り値の. Postgres では、特定のタイムスタンプを特定のレベルの精度に切り詰めたり丸めたりすることができます。 たとえば、最も近い分、時間、日、月などに切り捨てることができます。 日付や時刻を指定のところ(精度といいます)で切り捨てるには、 date_trunc関数 を使います。. The. For formatting functions, refer to Section 9. milliseconds contains seconds & microseconds contains milliseconds (and thus seconds too). This function truncates a date/time value to a specified precision. If you want just the date in the current time zone, cast to a date. Viewed 11k times 9 This is an excerpt from my sql query. , date/time types) we describe the actual behavior in subsequent sections. I am trying to pull entries which happen after April 1st, 2019. For. Recently, I have been getting familiar with PostgreSQL (using 8. So current_date - 1 would be enough. Users can add new types to PostgreSQL using the CREATE TYPE command. I think, what you want to do is: SELECT date (updated_at), count (updated_at) as total_count FROM "persons" WHERE ("persons". Table 9. TRUNC (number [, precision]) Code language: CSS (css) Arguments. Pictorial Presentation of PostgreSQL DATE_TRUNC() function. First, we have the date part specifier (in our example, 'month'). syntax: CAST (date AS datatype) Where, date: It is the date that we want to convert into a string and it can be any literal or an expression that evaluates to date value. You could think of it as a date version of the trunc() function (which truncates numbers). 1. 1 Answer. "updated_at" BETWEEN '2012-10-17 00:00:00. date_trunc ('day', now ())の落とし穴. SELECT (date_trunc('MONTH', now())+'1 month'::interval - '1 day'::interval);. POSTGRESQL Course Bundle - 5 Courses in 1 | 1 Mock Test. . You might need to add explicit type casts. As far as I know, if I want to trunc date, I need to use the date_trunc() function in posgresql. 1 Answer. select date_trunc('week','2005-07-12'::timestamp)::date; date_trunc ----- 2005-07-11 (1 row) More info:. date_trunc(text, timestamp) timestamp: Truncate to specified precision; see also Section 9. It is is IMMUTABLE (for timestamp without time zone). 9. 9. EXTRACT (MONTH FROM input) AS "Month". Also per the H2 docs Trunc:. PostgreSQL's approach uses the month from the earlier of the. This is an example:date_trunc('week', column_name) It uses the ISO definition of a week (as does Oracle's 'IW' ) so you need to apply the same date logic you used in Oracle to get the non-standard start of the week: date_trunc('week', column_name + 1) - 1PostgreSQL DATE_TRUNC by 2 Weeks. 5 times. It’s absolutely on target. Thanks again! 👍 1. 8) Postgres DATE_TRUNC() Function. It will return the date truncated to month precision, e. js or if node. 1 st 1970 in your time zone, use. Syntax: date_trunc(text, timestamp) Return Type: timestamp. Functions but this works for my case. 这是 PostgreSQL date_trunc() 函数的语法: date_trunc ( field TEXT , source TIMESTAMP ) -> TIMESTAMP date_trunc ( field TEXT , source TIMESTAMPTZ , time_zone TEXT ) -> TIMESTAMPTZ date_trunc ( field TEXT , source INTERVAL ) -> INTERVAL In Postgresql, to truncate or extract the week of the timestamp value, pass the week as a string to the date_trunc function. Return the current month as text in postgres. SELECT CODE, to_char (DATE, 'YYYY-MM'), count (CODE) FROM employee where group by CODE, to_char (DATE, 'YYYY-MM') Depending on whether you want the result as text or a date, you can also write it like this: SELECT CODE, date_trunc ('month', DATE), COUNT (*) FROM employee GROUP BY CODE, date_trunc ('month', DATE); Which in your. , and a timestamp. For example I need to get number of sales each week. It takes a date part (like a decade, year, month, etc. g. I want to create an index that returns the same output as this query; --takes 2005-10-12 select date_trunc ('month',table_withdates. PostgreSQL expected 1095 rows – and there are in fact 1096 rows. Closed. Thanks, but just for your own sake, you should maybe consider making use of Hibernate APIs if you want to get the best out of your ORM. date_trunc(text, timestamp) timestamp: Truncate to specified precision; see also Section 9. For formatting functions, refer to Section 9. 9. The syntax of the function is as follows: DATE_TRUNC ('precision', expression); where expression is a timestamp or an interval to truncate. date_trunc ('hour', created) + extract (minute from created)::int / 15 * interval '15' minute. The date part to which to truncate the timestamp value. select date_trunc ('minute', created_at), -- or hour, day, week, month, year count(1) from users group by 1. Herouth Maoz <[email protected]. CURRENT_DATE: DATE: Return the current date: CURRENT_TIME: TIMESTAMPTZ: Return the current time: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: TIMESTAMPTZ: Return the current date and time with time zone at which the current transaction starts: DATE_PART: DOUBLE PRECISION: Get a field of a timestamp or an interval e. . First, we have the date part specifier (in our example, 'month'). Hot Network QuestionsPostgres offers several date-time functions to deal with temporal data. See Postgres Date/Time Functions and Operators for more info In PostgreSQL, the DATE_TRUNC function is used to truncate a date, time, or timestamp value to a specified precision. The function date_trunc is conceptually similar to the trunc function for numbers. There are even several ways of doing this apart from using the PostgreSQL Now () function. id) FROM ( select to_char (date_trunc ('day', (current_date - offs)), 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS date FROM generate_series (0, 365, 1) AS offs ) d JOIN sharer_emailshare se ON (d. Syntax. The PostgreSQL TRUNC() function returns a number truncated to a whole number or truncated to the specified decimal places. 61 Avg. start }}'::timestamp) The result of that is a timestamp from which you can subtract the interval:. Remove the longest string that contains specified characters from the right of the input string. I. Syntax: date_trunc (text, timestamp) Return Type: timestamp. Follow. In our example, we use the column end_date (i. SPLIT_PART. We have used the date_trunc function with the where clause to compare the date in PostgreSQL as follows. You see the last two colums being blank, date_trunc returns null. date_trunc. 5. SELECT DATE_TRUNC('month', TIMESTAMP '2005-05-21 15:30:30'); Result: 2005-05-01 00;00:00 The PostgreSQL DATE_TRUNC function is used to truncate the date and time values to a specific precision (into a whole value), such as 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', or 'second', in a string format. 2. Subtract one month from the current month, then "truncate" that to the beginning of that date. Its return type is TIMESTAMP with TIMEZONE. The real usefu. Read: Postgresql date_trunc function Postgresql date add year. The LOCALTIME function takes one optional argument:. Modified 10 years, 9 months ago. This function takes two arguments: the first is the end date and the second is the start date. split_part . Split a string on a specified delimiter and return nth substring. when querying the data, explain shows that all partitions are being queried when I'm constructing a date with date functions, whereas when I use hard coded dates only the targeted partitions are being scanned. 9. (Values of type date and time are cast automatically to timestamp or interval, respectively. Postgresql extract monthYear from a date to be compared. postgres =# select extract (epoch from '2023-09-05 12:00:00':: timestamp); date_part-----1693915200 Register as a new user and use Qiita more conveniently You get articles that match your needsI just want to point out that it is often convenient to leave the value as a date. EDIT: Perhaps the better solution for these two databases is: select cast (created_at as date)This worked perfectly! Would be really nice to have as a first class citizen in EF. PostgreSQL date_part function will allow retrieving subfields from the date and time value, e. update foo set created_at = date_trunc('second', created_at) where created_at is not null; Instead of using date_trunc you can also just cast the value: created_at::timestamp(0) for the update statement, or current_timestamp::timestamp(0) in the default value. SELECT date_trunc($1, purchase_date) unit_of_time, SUM(total) FROM orders WHERE purchase_date >= $2 AND purchase_date <= $3 GROUP BY unit_of_time ORDER BY unit_time; [interval, startDate, endDate] The above query works correctly for when I pass in either 'month' or 'day' as the interval variable, but gives incorrect values. date, count (se. So using date_trunc('week',now())-'1 s'::interval; on the right side of your date operator should work. How to truncate seconds from a column (timestamp) in PostgreSQL without using date_trunc function. I will get the same. The basic syntax of the DATE_TRUNC function is as shown below: DATE_TRUNC(precision, source);. toLocalDateTime () When you use date_trunc ('day', now () at time zone 'Asia/Tehran') (column tehran_local_start_of_today) it indicates the start of today in Tehran local. The function date_trunc is conceptually similar to the trunc function for numbers. date_trunc¶. In PostgreSQL, DATE_TRUNC () is a built-in date function that truncates/trims the unnecessary part from the date/time. This is not in any of other answers, which suggest to_char() and date_trunc(). select date_trunc ('day', e. So fellow SQL aficionado's how to take the following WHERE clause in PostgreSQL and convert it to SQLite3 without using a compiled extension: WHERE DATE_TRUNC ('day', c. when the employee stopped doing that job) and the column start_date (when the employee started that job). 9. You can use date_trunc function to round data value to the first day of the week. Is there any way possible or workaround I can do to say that the first month of first quarter is for instance September? So instead of the traditional: Q1: 1-3, Q2: 4. date_trunc() Examples. The date_trunc function truncates a TIMESTAMP or an INTERVAL value based on a specified date part e. Add date_bin function Similar to date_trunc, but allows binning by an arbitrary interval rather than just full units. 0. date) going over the. edited Aug 18, 2015 at 10:57. The most convenient method to group table data is the DATE_TRUNC() function, which allows us to truncate a timestamp to a specific level of precision, such as the month, day, hour, etc. Input Format: Dates in yellow are the dates to aggregate sales on. 3 Answers. SELECT date_trunc ('month', CURRENT_DATE) + interval '1 month - 1 day'; Share. This function with datetime or string argument is deprecated, use DATE_TRUNC instead. So using date_trunc('week',now())-'1 s'::interval; on the right side of your date operator should work. custom DATE_TRUNC timeframes. date_trunc. 9. If you are looking for. date_trunc() Examples. Postgres has lots of functions for interval and overlap so you can look at data that intersects. In this method, you ensure what the time portion is set as (or at least with far more certainty). There is no function you want, but as said in postgresql wiki you can define function for youself: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION round_time_10m (TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) RETURNS TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE AS $$ SELECT date_trunc ('hour', $1) + INTERVAL '10 min' * ROUND (date_part ('minute', $1) / 10.